
מבצע חרבות ברזל - יום 166 - 20 במרץ 2024 בלי ביידן, נתניהו לא יכול לטעון שמגבילים אותו,

 Operation Iron Swords - Day 166 - 20 March 2024 Without Biden, Netanyahu cannot claim that he is being restricted,,, בלי ביידן, נתניהו לא יכול לטעון שמגבילים אותו, שאין לו פרטנר ושהוא היה מתקדם עם יותר צעדי מדיניות "ימניים" אבל הבית הלבן מונע ממנו. טראמפ זעם כשנתניהו בירך (באיחור) את ביידן על ניצחונו בבחירות בארצות הברית. טראמפ אמר לברק רביד בראיון לספרו "השלום של טראמפ" - "התאכזבתי מביבי אפילו ברמה האישית. כשיש לנו בחירות ש'נקבעו מראש', כמו בחירות במדינת עולם שלישי, אני חושב שזה בגידה אישית נוראית.לא דיברתי איתו מאז.

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Orgullo israelí: así cubre el mundo la operación para liberar a los secuestrados

Orgullo israelí: así cubre el mundo la operación para liberar a los secuestrados   Su estado es bueno y actualmente están siendo sometidos a pruebas en el hospital Sheba-Tel Hashomer. Los dos secuestrados estaban retenidos por Hamás en Rafah, y en una operación compleja pero muy exitosa del Shin Bet y las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel con cobertura aérea y de la 13.ª Flota y la 7.ª Brigada, fueron rescatados tras un ataque al edificio. donde estaban detenidos. Un combatiente resultó levemente herido durante la operación.   La situación de los secuestrados que fueron rescatados en la operación "Yad Zahav" es buena, y contaron en el Hospital Sheba que recibieron "cualquier medicina" mientras estaban en cautiverio. Sus familiares dijeron que los dos preparaban comida para la familia que los retenía. en Gaza, y al preguntarles si eran judíos, respondieron: "Somos argentinos". Además: el testimonio de Clara, y todo lo que se puede decir sobre la operación que ca...


  Senior Administrator at Strategic Diplomatic Relations and Chairman at Helsinki Think Tank Nov. 2, 2014 Hi Haim, I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile. Thanks, Michael “Mike” Haim is man with wide own genuine experiences living in the ME and EU and Canada. For Haim a stroll down a Ankara road is as familiar as a stroll in Paris or Hague. Haim is fully where ever he is. In other words you now know a man who is never lost. That’s much ab … out how Haim also does matters he does things he knows in a blink of an eye and doesn’t waste a second on something he would not be fast and efficient with. I have shared many groups and hundreds of discussions with Haim regarding western security matter and tendencies. Haim always manages to dig up something that you won’t find as a give away”” along the OS intelligence path. This as Haim is innovative in his searches and turn, stones upside down, which most westerners would not dream of turning. Haim know...

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  Video: Brazil's TV with an official announcement from the Iranian government (Admiral) The scientist was eliminated by remote control There was no assassin on the spot Admiral Ali Shamkani makes an official statement here. The assassination of the atomic scientist was carried out only from a distance. Remote control with sophisticated electronic equipment. No physical assassin was at the scene of the assassination. The assassination was carried out by the Mujahideen Khalk (its cells are in Iran) and the Mossad. The official announcement comes after a comprehensive investigation for 3 days. All posts and charts how the assassination was carried out ,   Hunters A group of professionals intell...


  Video and photos The new destroyer "Magen" is making its way to Israel - it will arrive in Haifa in two weeks. The ,Magen, "shield" built in Germany left Kiel on Tuesday afternoon on its way To Haifa. The cruise to the port of Haifa in Israel will take place every two weeks. Heavy security when leaving the shipyard. An experimental cruise was carried out in March this year with scaffolding on the towers. She left the shipyard yesterday with photos on Flickr and video here. In addition, the soldiers are amazed and photographed from the vessels on board. In another video. To end a video from a week ago. A ceremony with speeches that ends with the hoisting of the Israeli flag on the destroyer. Magen Photos תמונות Großeinsatz am Nord-Ostsee-Kanal: Polizisten eskortieren Korvette "Magen" 17/11/20 P.1