
Showing posts from January 19, 2007

Undercover Investigation

Undercover investigation is the most complex and sophisticated type of investigation, its aim is to uncover and eliminate illegal organized activity of any nature and an elaborate from of pretext. it is generally used where all other methods have failed or where it is not practical to obtain the desired information by any other means. There are two main types of investigators, One has a formal education usually a bachelor's degree in criminal justice or in a related field. The other category is street smart one also called operative. Undercover work is not meant for everyone. it is difficult, time consuming, and extremely dangerous, even under the best of circumstances. It is recommended that prior to embarking on a career performing undercover investigation you should take the opportunity to discuss this specialized area with other investigators who have performed in this capacity even get expirience by acting as an intern with one or two of them. Organizations who use undercover:...

Missing Person

There are a number of reasons an investigator may need to trace the whereabouts of a person and the ease with which he/she may be traced largely depends on the reason for their disappearance. Missing persons fall into two basic categories, voluntary and involuntary. Reasons for voluntary are: criminal conduct, extra-marital relationships, domestic problems, and victim of a crimes. Reasons for involuntary are: murder, abduction, and loss of memory. Skip Tracing is an art form that not everyone can be successful. The tracing of missing persons take place constantly. To successfully trace a fugitive a PI needs to be highly creative, innovative and resourceful. links: