
Showing posts from 2007

Airport Security

As a lounge coordinator (supervisor) I was in charge to coordinated the pre-board passenger screener by using (wtmd), or (hhmd), screener carry-on bags and screening checked bags by X-ray machine and manual search. Dealing with: Police, Airline Agent, Represenntatives Managers, Ministry of Transport Inspectors. Dangerous Goods: They are nine classes of dangerous goods. 1. Explosives 2.Gasses (compressed) propane 3. Flammable Liquids-alcoholic beverages 70% 4. Flammable Solids-fire starters 5. Oxidizers & Organic Peroxides-fertilizers 6. Poisonous & Infectious Substances-insecticides, germicides, rat poison, anthrax 7. Radioactive Materials, 8. Corrosives- bleach, house hold cleaners, sulfuric acid in batteries 9. Miscellaneous Daangerous Goods-magnets (may be found in large speeakers) It only take 300 grams of explosives to bring down a plane. Links: http://ww...

Search Engines For Investigator

Computers are coming into their own in relation to all investigation, primarily because of their record keeping and record recovery, but the internet has to be one of the mor relevent aspects of computer usage in investigation. For every subject under the sun, ther is a website. the website are created by companies or private individuals, they contain a mine of information accessible to all. Starting with official website , there are website for nearly all companies , associations,societies,clubs,professional institues, colleges, police forces , and there is probably a website for investigator that can use to lawfully obtain information. Investigators using the internet for tracing purposes should be aware that they are unlikely to run the risk of committing offence against the Data Protection Act when accessing the information held on sites available to the public. If a person is traced as a result of their having created their own website, or as a result of the investigator accessing...

Combating Anti-Semitism

Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility toward or Prejudice against Jews as a religious, racial, or ethnic group, which can range in expression from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecuting jews. While the term's etxmology may imply that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, it is in practice used exclusively to refer to hostility towards Jews. The highly explicit ideology of Adolf Hitler Nazism was the most extreme example of this phenomenon, leading to the Holocaust. Responding to anti-semitic key point to consider: Keep a cool head, don't leave incident unchallenged, creat an pro active response media, student organizations, administration, and comuinty leaders to help you in your effort. Links,

Background Investigations

A background investigation (BI) is gathering information about a person is one of the primary functions of an investigator. Information that may or may not be supplied willingly. There are many valid reasons for a client to require information about someone. One of the main sources of background investigations is from prospective employers who wish to check on the background of individual job applicants. Pre employement Screening (PES) A comprehensive background report may include information under the following heading, personal details, employment and education history, lifestyle information, credit history, driving records, and criminal records. These are just some of the reasons that background investigations have become more the rule than the exception during the hiring process. Links:

Report Writing

Very few people enjoy writing reports however it is probably one of the most important duties of anyone employed in private security or investigation. The report prepared by the investigator serves many functions but most importantly, it is the direct way of communicating results to the client. The evidence gathered in the surveillance is the end product of the investigation. It includes both your surveillance report, and supprtive documents. A good report should be prepared using computer, should be double spaced, should be grammatically correct, name and addresses should be in block capital, the report should contain all of the information gathered, should contain file number, date, time the surveillance was initiated and terminated, identity of the subject or target under surveillance, reason for the surveillance , and general specipic locations of the surveillance.

Private Investigator

A private Investigator is legally defined as a person who investigates and furnishes information for hire or reward. Private investigation is not a new profession and it existed long before organized police forces. BOUNTY HUNTERS were an earlier form of private investigators, people who searched for wanted offenders and received a reward for finding them either dead or alive. Much of the work of private investigators (PIs) centres around domestic activity, gathering evidence for divorce cases and carrying out surveillance to determine of the targets' activities. Private investigators for instance trace, missing persons, investigate accidents, arson investigation, fraud investigation, insurance claims, criminal investigation , background cases, loss prevention, and much more. With the introduction of a new generation of computers and higher quality of spy devices and software, the world of private investigator has changed in many aspect, in the past 30 years computers have created a...


Surveillance can be best described as the systematic art of following or watching an individual or specific location. it is an integral part of the security work. Surveillance is difficult, time consuming, and requires a lot of personnel and equipment. Normally surveillance deals with people, however, places or things are surveilled if they relate to people or activities. Surveillance can provide information about a person's activities. It can show where the suspect activities take place. It can verify the reliability of an idividual providing information, commonly referred to as a source. Surveillance can also be used when providing executive protection or performing duties as a bodyguard. Usually a person under surveillance is called subject, a location, place or event under surveillance is called a target. There are three general types of surveillance . 1) Mobile Surveillance 2) Fixed Surveillance 3) Electronic Surveillance There's one rule that every investigator should alw...

Undercover Investigation

Undercover investigation is the most complex and sophisticated type of investigation, its aim is to uncover and eliminate illegal organized activity of any nature and an elaborate from of pretext. it is generally used where all other methods have failed or where it is not practical to obtain the desired information by any other means. There are two main types of investigators, One has a formal education usually a bachelor's degree in criminal justice or in a related field. The other category is street smart one also called operative. Undercover work is not meant for everyone. it is difficult, time consuming, and extremely dangerous, even under the best of circumstances. It is recommended that prior to embarking on a career performing undercover investigation you should take the opportunity to discuss this specialized area with other investigators who have performed in this capacity even get expirience by acting as an intern with one or two of them. Organizations who use undercover:...

Missing Person

There are a number of reasons an investigator may need to trace the whereabouts of a person and the ease with which he/she may be traced largely depends on the reason for their disappearance. Missing persons fall into two basic categories, voluntary and involuntary. Reasons for voluntary are: criminal conduct, extra-marital relationships, domestic problems, and victim of a crimes. Reasons for involuntary are: murder, abduction, and loss of memory. Skip Tracing is an art form that not everyone can be successful. The tracing of missing persons take place constantly. To successfully trace a fugitive a PI needs to be highly creative, innovative and resourceful. links:

Executive Protection

The primary purpose of protection is the provision of safety (that is protection) of the person know as your prancipal. This protection can range from providing a one person escort to a single event to the other end of the spectrum in which you must provide 24-hour protection at the principal's place. The logistics can be as simple as picking up and dropping off your client to controlling all aspects of his or her life. Performing background check on clients, gathering information on recent or previous threats, assessing the risk at various times and locations (in public, hotel, airport, rallies, restaurants. One of the biggest problems in an executive protection plan is the impact it has on the principal's life. While you are there to protect the principal from harm, you must allow the principal as much freedom as possible in his or her life on a 24-hours basis. What kind of individuals makes good protective agents? In the past bodyguards were often viewed as muscle, karate ex...


What is espionage ? Espionage is a method to collect information, is secret, usually illegal, espionage is covert and represents the dark side intelligence collection. Espionage fulfils the same needs as intelligence gathering. There are as many methods to collect information legally and ethically as there are other methods to collect it illegally. Always be aware that your client's competitor may use espionage to collect information. Some links:

Intelligence Gathring

what Is Intelligence? There are many miscnception about what constitutes intelligence. Intelligence is both the product and the process of collecting various kinds of data thought to be relevant, you don't find intelligence. you must develop intelligence through Collection,Evaluation, Analysis,and Reporting. Intelligence is collected from several sources of information:Commercial, print media, television, internet, and human collection. 1) Collection has many forms such as taking notes, interviewing, and surveillance. 2) Evaluation,divided into two parts,validity of the particular piece of information. The second one is the reliability to assess the truthfulness of the information source. 3) Analysis,it's the heart of the intelligence, activity and the information. 4)Reporting,it's the end products of the intelligence and should be given to who makes the decisions. Links: http://directory.kol-...