Investigative Intelligence
Senior Administrator at Strategic Diplomatic Relations and Chairman at Helsinki Think Tank
Nov. 2, 2014
Hi Haim, I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile. Thanks, Michael “Mike”
Haim is man with wide own genuine experiences living in the ME and EU and Canada. For Haim a stroll down a Ankara road is as familiar as a stroll in Paris or Hague. Haim is fully where ever he is. In other words you now know a man who is never lost. That’s much ab…out how Haim also does matters he does things he knows in a blink of an eye and doesn’t waste a second on something he would not be fast and efficient with.
I have shared many groups and hundreds of discussions with Haim regarding western security matter and tendencies. Haim always manages to dig up something that you won’t find as a give away”” along the OS intelligence path. This as Haim is innovative in his searches and turn, stones upside down, which most westerners would not dream of turning. Haim knows the ME mentality and can therefore think along lines others might not be able to….
Haim has been of great help as a fact finder for SDR (Strategic Diplomatic relations) and also act as a specialist on ME fact finding for Helsinki Think Tank.
Haim is not just a good coworker. He is the best co worker!
I wish to thank Haim from the bottom of my heart and hope to continue this friendship and endless hours of help.
Michael “Mike” Hulden Helsinki Think Thank Chairman “
Nov. 2, 2014
Hi Haim, I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile. Thanks, Michael “Mike”
Haim is man with wide own genuine experiences living in the ME and EU and Canada. For Haim a stroll down a Ankara road is as familiar as a stroll in Paris or Hague. Haim is fully where ever he is. In other words you now know a man who is never lost. That’s much ab…out how Haim also does matters he does things he knows in a blink of an eye and doesn’t waste a second on something he would not be fast and efficient with.
I have shared many groups and hundreds of discussions with Haim regarding western security matter and tendencies. Haim always manages to dig up something that you won’t find as a give away”” along the OS intelligence path. This as Haim is innovative in his searches and turn, stones upside down, which most westerners would not dream of turning. Haim knows the ME mentality and can therefore think along lines others might not be able to….
Haim has been of great help as a fact finder for SDR (Strategic Diplomatic relations) and also act as a specialist on ME fact finding for Helsinki Think Tank.
Haim is not just a good coworker. He is the best co worker!
I wish to thank Haim from the bottom of my heart and hope to continue this friendship and endless hours of help.
Michael “Mike” Hulden Helsinki Think Thank Chairman “
Posted: May 1, 2013 in UncategorizedMossad
אני מברך את המרכז למורשת המודיעין בגלילות המחקר שנדון בו במסגרת מרכז המידע למודיעין ולטרור נועד לחקור תהליכים של יוזמה, הובלה והפצה של חדשות, להכשרה כארגון לומד ויוצר מדע חדש בטרור בקרתי שם וממליץ לכול אחד לבקר,,,I congratulate the Intellig…ence Heritage Center Glilot study discussed in the framework of the Information Center Intelligence and Terrorism is designed to explore the processes of initiative, transportation and distribution of new Training as a learning organization and creates new science terror I visited there and would recommend to anybody to visit
בספריה תוכלו לקרוא על מאמרים שונים העוסקים על שירותי המודיעין בישראל ובעולם, ההיסטוריה של המודיעין, פרשיות ומשפטי ריגול, כשלים והצלחות וכו’. בתחום הטרור מתמקדת הספרייה בטרור הפלסטיני, לוחמה בטרור, הג’האד העולמי, האסלאם הרדיקלי, הסתה לטרור ולשנאה (כולל אוסף ייחודי של ספרות ערבית אנטישמית). בנוסף לכך מצויים מאמרים וספרים העוסקים בסכסוך הישראלי-ערבי, פוליטיקה כלכלה וחברה של מדינות ערב, תולדות מדינת ישראל, הביטחון הלאומי של מדינת ישראל ועוד.
In the library you can read about various articles on the intelligence services in Israel and worldwide, the history of intelligence, legal affairs and espionage, failures and successes, etc.. The library focuses on terrorism in Palestinian terrorism, counter-terrorism, global jihad, radical Islam, terrorism and incitement to hatred (including a unique collection of anti-Semitic Arabic numerals). There are also articles and books on the Arab – Israeli conflict, politics, economy and society of the Arab countries, the history of Israel, the national security of Israel and more
In the library you can read about various articles on the intelligence services in Israel and worldwide, the history of intelligence, legal affairs and espionage, failures and successes, etc.. The library focuses on terrorism in Palestinian terrorism, counter-terrorism, global jihad, radical Islam, terrorism and incitement to hatred (including a unique collection of anti-Semitic Arabic numerals). There are also articles and books on the Arab – Israeli conflict, politics, economy and society of the Arab countries, the history of Israel, the national security of Israel and more
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