Iranian '' Citizen '' Sentenced to Death for Assistance to Soliman Assassination for the Mossad and CIA Announcements Iran / CNN / CGTN
What is important is that, in the media, even to the locals, the traitor that led to Suleimani's assassination in January
The latter is described as an "Iranian" citizen.
His exposure was followed by a 19-member investigative committee headed by a minister
Iran's foreign affairs. Members of the joint committee were from the Iraqi government, the Hezbollah, the Houthis from Yemen.
According to the Iraqis, who released the traitor's picture today, he received dollars from the CIA
And many. According to the spokesman for the Iranian judiciary, today, he acted both in the service of the Mossad and In the CIA service, he contributed to Sulmani's assassination in January.
It was not disclosed how he contributed exactly to the elimination.

Iran will execute CIA agent involved in Soleimani's killing: official 9/6/20
حکم اعدام برای جاسوس موساد و سیا
Execution sentence for Mossad and CIA spies
سخنگوی قوه قضاییه در پاسخ به سوالی مبنی بر صدور حکم اعدام برای یک جاسوس گفت: سید محمود موسوی مجد هم به سرویس موساد و هم سیا وصل شده بود و اطلاعات در مورد محل استقرار و رفت و آمدهای سردار شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی را در اختیار بیگانگان قرار داده بود که با حکم دادگاه به اعدام محکوم شد و اخیرا شعبه ١٩ دیوان عالی کشور اخیرا حکم اعدام را تایید کرده است و به زودی حکم اجرا می شود
In response to a question about the death sentence for a spy, a spokesman for the judiciary said: "Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi Majd was connected to both the Mossad and the CIA and provided information to foreigners about the whereabouts of Sardar Shahid Haj Qasem Soleimani." He was sentenced to death by a court order, and the branch of the Supreme Court recently upheld the death sentence and the sentence will be carried out soon.
Execution sentence for Mossad and CIA spies
سخنگوی قوه قضاییه در پاسخ به سوالی مبنی بر صدور حکم اعدام برای یک جاسوس گفت: سید محمود موسوی مجد هم به سرویس موساد و هم سیا وصل شده بود و اطلاعات در مورد محل استقرار و رفت و آمدهای سردار شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی را در اختیار بیگانگان قرار داده بود که با حکم دادگاه به اعدام محکوم شد و اخیرا شعبه ١٩ دیوان عالی کشور اخیرا حکم اعدام را تایید کرده است و به زودی حکم اجرا می شود
In response to a question about the death sentence for a spy, a spokesman for the judiciary said: "Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi Majd was connected to both the Mossad and the CIA and provided information to foreigners about the whereabouts of Sardar Shahid Haj Qasem Soleimani." He was sentenced to death by a court order, and the branch of the Supreme Court recently upheld the death sentence and the sentence will be carried out soon.

January 2020 the Assassination,,

Investigative Journalist Reporter,, |